Two UK trustees visit the staff of the Vraja clinic.
Welcome to the Sri Radhey Seva trust website

In 2010, after the flood of the Jamuna River,
An emergency clinic was set up to treat those affected by the flooding of the River in the holy city of Vrindaban, N.India
The clinic was being operated from 3 rented rooms on the roadside nearbyo the river. A team of doctors, compounders and a nurse treated up to 400 patients a day for 2 months.
Thousands of lives were saved from diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and typhoid, which were an inevitable problem in such flood conditions.
Village elders request!
A few months after the initial crisis was over it became evident that the clinic was a very important and a much needed service for the local community. Although the emergency was now over, when the imminent closure of the clinic was announced, the village elders came to plead for this vital service to be continued.
The clinic cuts down costs by relocating.
The clinic moved within Sri Radha Giridhari's temple grounds and is currently open for 2 hours per day 6 days a week. The doctor sees approximately 60 patients daily before rejoining his position at his fathers clinic in the city. Some patients come from the surrounding villages, often trekking for many miles to receive top quality medicines for free. People who can afford it pay a nominal fee of just 10 rupees per medicine.
So what happens with serious illnesses? .
If you feel that you could make a donation to support this great work at the clinic.
or one of the many other aid projects undertaken by SRST
No donation amount is considered too small. Even £1.00 buys
A malaria test kit or provides a vitamin/mineral tonic for a mother and child.
Please navigate to our donate page where you can use paypal or your card for a one off payment. Or to set up a monthly payment through direct debit or a standing order with your bank
donate page click here
An emergency clinic was set up to treat those affected by the flooding of the River in the holy city of Vrindaban, N.India
The clinic was being operated from 3 rented rooms on the roadside nearbyo the river. A team of doctors, compounders and a nurse treated up to 400 patients a day for 2 months.
Thousands of lives were saved from diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and typhoid, which were an inevitable problem in such flood conditions.
Village elders request!
A few months after the initial crisis was over it became evident that the clinic was a very important and a much needed service for the local community. Although the emergency was now over, when the imminent closure of the clinic was announced, the village elders came to plead for this vital service to be continued.
The clinic cuts down costs by relocating.
The clinic moved within Sri Radha Giridhari's temple grounds and is currently open for 2 hours per day 6 days a week. The doctor sees approximately 60 patients daily before rejoining his position at his fathers clinic in the city. Some patients come from the surrounding villages, often trekking for many miles to receive top quality medicines for free. People who can afford it pay a nominal fee of just 10 rupees per medicine.
So what happens with serious illnesses? .
If you feel that you could make a donation to support this great work at the clinic.
or one of the many other aid projects undertaken by SRST
No donation amount is considered too small. Even £1.00 buys
A malaria test kit or provides a vitamin/mineral tonic for a mother and child.
Please navigate to our donate page where you can use paypal or your card for a one off payment. Or to set up a monthly payment through direct debit or a standing order with your bank
donate page click here
Sri Raman Bihari Das babaji

The trust was set up in 2007 by a group of devotees of Sri Raman Bihari Das Babaji Maharaj, who is the head of the Sri Radha Girid Hari ashram Vrindavan India.
continued medical service for the local community
the 2015 project continues to keep the free clinic alive!
With thanks for all donations small or large paid on a regular basis the clinic continues to save lives and give the poor a chance at better health.
click Please help to keep the free clinic alive click to donate by paypal